I wasn't lying... when I got up the nerve to tell Mr. Neeley I had been a fan since 1973, I could prove it. Other than my original long-play record (complete with inserts), the only other JCS item I had I made myself. I may not have the original anymore, but I kept a photo of an oil painting I did shortly after seeing Jesus Christ Superstar when I was just 13. When I met Ted Neeley for the first time in 1994, I actually screwed up the courage to show him the photo... he was impressed with the "sculptured" neck I gave him! ;) I have such mixed feelings about this painting; it really looks NOTHING like Mr. Neeley, but I think it was my first attempt at portrait painting... ah well.

1973 oil (when I was 13 I had this hanging in my bedroom!)
I haven't painted a portrait in years; and today I was so in the mood to draw. So I have begun my second Neeley painting - 33 years later... so far I've just done the underpainting on a small 8 X 6 canvas board. Next I'll do the color overlay. Obviously, this JC is much more "scruffy" than the simple style I had in my early teens!

2007 painting begun (right side)
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