Unless you consider strictly adhering to two traditons a Religion, though.
Then I am. Oh yeah.
No, my giddiness involves two activites our family has upheld for years:
1) Painting Easter eggs.

Oh no. I have to make it complicated, messy and time-consuming.
Daughter and I go full-out: I carefully blow out real chicken eggs for our Ukranian style decoration, using melted beeswax and six highly-stainable food dye colors.
All the while, futilely attempting to keep little feline paws OUT of the six highly-stainable food dye colors.

Yup, they are works of art that I haul out of storage each year to display with pride.
Unless of course, they become sad victims of Feline Abuse... stealthly abducted from their basket on the table and batted about the floor until they are smashed into hundreds of tiny eggshell shards.
The other tradition?
2) Watching Jesus Christ Superstar.

At full volume.
To my family's horror.
I fell in love with this movie (and Ted Neeley) back in the early 70's when I first saw it in the theatre.
And since both daughter and I met "Jesus" after the stage show in 2007, it's a movie we hold near and dear to our hearts.
Actually, last year was my second time meeting Ted... back in the 90's I was ushered backstage to meet both he and Carl Anderson (RIP, Judas) too.

And I even admitted to him that during the show, I was singing along with every word.
At full volume.
Much to my family's horror.
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