So of course, I had just a few hours to crack one open and colour my very, absolutely, positively firstst Tilda ever:
Now I just have to make a card for her.
It's the start of something wonderful; I just know it.
And yes, there are another dozen or so on order that should be arriving any day now.
Good thing I have a few vacation days left. I'm gonna need 'em when I am elbow deep in Copics.
18 people wrote stuff:
Great job Maureen! Another dozen coming???!!! Oy! I'm expecting my first order, but I haven't ordered my copics yet. Don't know if I want to ruin my first attempt without the proper "tools". Look forward to seeing your other creations.
Holy moly...I think you must have been coloring Tilda in your sleep for years, because that is not the work of someone who has colored one for the first time. She looks fabulous! I am jealous that you have another dozen coming. Maybe I need to go order a few more, too. LOL. Gina L
Maureen, you are one talented lady! Your coloring of this, your very first, Tilda is scrumptious! She is beautifully done even without a card. Can't wait to see what you create next - awesome, awesome work...
You've done a great job coloring your first Tilda, WOW. Amazing!
- Ann
Tilda looks beautiful! Your coloring skills are very good! Can't wait to see more of your coloring. Awesome job!
Your coloring is just right. Love your choice!
How cute is that stamp? I love the way you colored it too! :)
Maureen your coloring is gorgeous! I could imagine her on a card, wow!!! Oh yeah your stuck with us now lol! AWSOME COLORING!!!!
Wow your colouring is just amazing!! Cant wait to see te finished product!! Great job
Hi Maureen,Love your sweet Tilda she is so very cute
Linda W.
Love how you colored Tilda! Maureen, yes, this is just the start of Magnolias! I can't wait to see how you finish your card. You did an excellent job coloring Tilda with her cat. Hugs, Cami
Wow! Your coloring is amazing, love your Tilda : )
She's adorable. Lovely coloring job.
Kerry H
Hi Maureen, super job on your first Tilda. Such a cute Tilda with pussy cat.Your colouring with copics is great.
hugs Marion
Your coloring is fabulous. And I love the name of your blog. I feel like that often.
I am looking forward to seeing what else you create.
I can't believe this is your first time colouring Tilda. WOW!! What an awesome job!! Can't wait to see her made into a card :o)
Hugs, Candy
Maureen, you are sure going to be busy playing with all these. Looking forward to see the finish works :o)
Aw, Leslie, thank you! I do believe I too, need "addicted" in my name now as well! ;)
Siameseplease: Why thank you so much! That means so much... I just love these stamps! (and yes, I have more coming).
Barb, you are too kind, thank you! Now I have to decide which one to do next!
Raindropecho: Thank you! I am so glad to have found our Yahoo group; I have learned so much!
Thank you Nancy! I dare say I shall be squirreled away in my craftroom all weekend. Which is a good thing ;)
Aletha: Aw, thanks! It is so hard not to rush through each one. I have to keep reminding myself to slow down, but I do want to do so many!
Thanks Heather! They are so fun to work with!
Ruby: It's a GOOD stuck ;) What a fun time!
Thank you Leonie! Now I just have to find a way to spend more time playing, er, "creating".
Thank you so much Linda!
Yes, Cami you are absolutely right; this is just a start of a long adoration, I am sure ;)
OH how kind of you to say, Jacquie! Thank you!
Thank you Kerry!!!
Only By His Grace: It was so hard to choose my first Tildas... but because I have three cats, I HAD to get the one with a kitten on it!
Thank you so much!
;) Thanks Julie! Yep, and here is just one more thing to drag me under...
Aw, Candy thank you! Hugs to you too!!
Oh Cabio, thank you, and yes, I am ignoring the housework as we speak, er type.
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