As with everything, as humans we tend to forget the "big picture" when we get obsessed over something. Case in point - scrapbooking. When daughter asked me to start this hobby last year (her friends had introduced it to her), I was instantly hooked. I loved the idea of making something "artful" out of my family photos and sharing the experience with my daughter...who will someday be the owner of said albums. As we progressed thru our photos, the focus turned from "what was important" to what "looked good". Photos that weren't "perfect" were set aside for more artsy, well composed shots. Choices of paper, ribbon and embellishments were agonized over but journalling the event was all but forgotten.
No more. This post at 2Peas in a Bucket changed all that. It reminded me once again of WHY I scrapbook. I don't think generations from now will care if my paper was Basic Grey, or that the brads didn't EXACTLY match the cardstock; they will want to know the STORY behind the photos... the event. The lives behind the pictures.
We all need to have a kick in the rear and remember what is truely important about this hobby.
4 people wrote stuff:
so true!! I think I am definitely guilty of wanting everything to match and to have all the cute new papers..but sometimes I look at a layout and ask myself what the real focus is..the embellishments or the photos/story behind it.
amen sister.... i agree!
This is so true. This is why I don't even care what is new out there. My focus is really on my photos, getting them on a layout and then journaling about them.
so true! so very true. I am too guilty of wanting everything I see! Like you said, I am quite sure in generations to come, they won't be worried about how everything matched! LOL
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